What is the easiest game to win money in a casino?


Well-known member
It is often advised for a new player to choose the best and the easiest game at the casino in order to start winning as soon as possible. some people are saying that roulette is the easiest why some other are saying that it is Black Jack.

Here is the question I want to ask you guys, What is the easiest game to win money in a casino? Let me know your response in the comment section and you should tell me why you choose a particular game.
It is dependent on the the knowledge that you have caught on the particular casino games . if the game is what you know about, then you will be able to make correct prediction then it will become the easiest game for you to win.
Although some casino games are more harder to win compare to another, that's why it's always advisable to choose the easiest casino games to play or bet on so that you will have a high tendency of winning