What is the future expectation on children as a result of gambling?.



With the rate children are not serious in their educational career and consequently dropping out of schools as a result of gambling, my concern is, what lies ahead for these children in future?. How could they be economical useful in the society?. What social input would gambling cause them to contribute?. I think it is the responsibility of all to rise up to this challenge before the children become liabilities to the society. It is high time we arrest the situation when it is still in bud than when it grows into full tree.
I completely share your concerns regarding the impact of gambling on children and their future prospects. It is crucial to address this issue promptly in order to prevent these children from becoming liabilities to society.

Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that gambling addiction can have severe consequences on a person's life, regardless of their age. For children, the effects are even more significant as they are still developing physically, emotionally, and intellectually. When gambling becomes a priority over education, it can lead to poor academic performance and ultimately contribute to dropping out of school.

The consequences of dropping out of school are far-reaching, as it reduces the likelihood of obtaining stable employment in the future. Education is essential for acquiring knowledge, skills, and competencies that are necessary for meaningful employment and economic self-sufficiency. When children drop out of school due to gambling-related issues, they often miss out on these vital opportunities.

Additionally, gambling can impact the social development of children. Instead of engaging in healthy social interactions and building relationships, they may become more isolated and detached from their peers. This can hinder the development of important social skills that are necessary for successful integration into society.

In terms of the economic contributions these children could make in the future, the impact of gambling on their prospects is undoubtedly negative. Without education and viable skills, they are less likely to secure stable and well-paying jobs. This, in turn, can result in increased dependency on welfare systems and limited opportunities for upward mobility.

To address these concerns and prevent such outcomes, it is crucial to prioritize prevention and intervention. Educating children about the risks and negative consequences of gambling from an early age can help raise awareness and foster responsible decision-making. Creating strong support systems within schools and communities, including counseling services, can also assist children who may be at risk or already affected by gambling issues.

Furthermore, promoting alternative forms of entertainment and extracurricular activities that are both engaging and constructive can provide healthier outlets for children. Investing in quality education and vocational training programs can help equip children with the necessary skills to secure employment and contribute positively to society.

Overall, tackling gambling-related issues among children requires a multi-faceted approach involving education, prevention, intervention, and support systems. By addressing this issue promptly and effectively, we can better ensure that children have the opportunity to thrive and become valuable members of society.
To be frank, gambling and betting are killing the future of the children than building it. Most countries now hags children who depend solely on gambling and not aiming at producing anything but just to gamble.
To be frank, gambling and betting are killing the future of the children than building it. Most countries now hags children who depend solely on gambling and not aiming at producing anything but just to gamble.
Yes o. It is the same scenario here in Nigeria. I don't think there is future this generation of youngs because the youngs that supposed to be productive in future are seen wasting their times on gambling. They are not ready to contribute economically to the progress of their society.
To be frank, gambling and betting are killing the future of the children than building it. Most countries now hags children who depend solely on gambling and not aiming at producing anything but just to gamble.
i think when it comes to children who may become addicted to the thrill of gambling and neglect their education and future goals. Gambling can lead to financial ruin, emotional distress, and even criminal behaviors. It should be approached with caution and moderation