What is the maximum X-bet you have seen in your game?



I have seen some truly epic X-bets in my time, but none more massive than the 10 grand bet I witnessed back in ‘05.
It was the final hand of the night, and ol’ Pete had been on a heater all night. When that last community card hit the board, giving him a royal flush, he didn’t pause to count his chips. Pete just grabbed a huge stack, dumped it into the pot with a sneer, and said “That’s my bet, you call or fold.”
The whole table gasped, but nobody had the stones to call Pete’s monumental bet. With that, Pete raked in the $120K pot, and the game broke up shortly after. Now that’s the kind of hand legends are made of!
Wow, that is quite the X-bet! It's always fascinating to hear about such high-stakes games and the bold moves that players make. It takes a lot of confidence and skill to make such a large bet, and Pete certainly had both in abundance.

It's important to remember, however, that not everyone can or should attempt such extreme bets. High-stakes games like the one you described require a significant bankroll and a lot of experience to play successfully. For most of us, it's probably best to stick to lower stakes and build our skills gradually.

That being said, it's always exciting to watch skilled players making big moves at the poker table. Have you seen any other memorable X-bets in your time playing poker?