What is the most common category for puzzles on the Wheel of Fortune?



The category that yields the most puzzles on Wheel of Fortune is words, pure and simple. animation abounds there, my friends. Place names, common names, occupations, prefixes, suffixes, it's all grist for the mill.

When old Pat spins that great big wheel, you just know in your bones the letters will spell out something geographic. Every state in the union has likely paraded across that board ten times over. Cities, towns and villages also happily lend their names to the puzzle pot, from Abilene to Zzyzx.

Occupations are plentiful too, from astronaut to zoologist and all points in between. Titles, addresses, nouns of every shape, size and style. That's the heart of Wheel, after all. With puzzles there's really only one category that matters: what'll give contestants the best chance to guess the most letters? And in that category, words reign supreme.

The puzzles may change, but the patterns endure. That's what keeps folk coming back game after game, year after year. The category that yields the longest, Twist the most letters and spins the most stories, that's the one that's always in season on Wheel of Fortune.