What is the reason why some countries doesn't support gambling



So many countries do not allow casinos to operate simply because they believe that it is not a good establishment and it could a source of bad activities and they do not believe in casinos . Some countries love to accept casinos because they believe that their citizens would benefit from it and the government could also benefit from it through taxation. There are some reasons for some countries not to accept gambling and I want to know why.
Some countries would claim that their religious belief does not support gambling and we know some countries that were religiously inclined and it wouldn't want to involve irsely in anything that has to do with gamble. There are different kinds of reasons which differs with different countries.
Some countries would claim that their religious belief does not support gambling and we know some countries that were religiously inclined and it wouldn't want to involve irsely in anything that has to do with gamble. There are different kinds of reasons which differs with different countries.
You are perfectly correct, some countries reject gambling basically because their religion doctrine does not support it and I have come across several countries like that and they would not accept gambling based on their religious belief.
You are perfectly correct, some countries reject gambling basically because their religion doctrine does not support it and I have come across several countries like that and they would not accept gambling based on their religious belief.
Following your religious belief is crucial and it is very obvious that most of the religion does not support gambling and that is why so many countries kicked against it taking. It is prohibited in such countries.
Some countries don't support gambling because of devices that comes along with it. They belief that gambling can have a negative effect on the young adults of their country. youth are they working force of any country and once they have been led astray it would be very difficult for the country to develop in that is the case with my country.
Some countries don't support gambling because of devices that comes along with it. They belief that gambling can have a negative effect on the young adults of their country. youth are they working force of any country and once they have been led astray it would be very difficult for the country to develop in that is the case with my country.
It is true that it could bring a negativity and could result into so many other things which may not be palatable that is why most of the countries want to protect their citizens from experiencing such.
I think this basically depends on the religious beliefs of this countries that is why most of them highly found at gambling or casino website to be situated in their country most websites like Pakistan or saudi doesn't like gambling and I think that's because of their religion detests it.
I think this basically depends on the religious beliefs of this countries that is why most of them highly found at gambling or casino website to be situated in their country most websites like Pakistan or saudi doesn't like gambling and I think that's because of their religion detests it.
You are not on the wrong path because most of the country's religious doctrine does not support gambling and such countries will never accept such activities in their country whatsoever because it will not be accepted.
Some governments understand that casino and gambling brings about laziness among the youth. Youth consist of 90% of the workforce in any country. If this set of people are lazy it means the country will not be productive. So a country that looking forward to build industrial complex will not allow gambling in their society among the youth.
Some countries just like those Islamic countries do not support both gambling and betting and any form of it. So it much lead to the gambling and betting website being restricted from their countries. Some casinos due to license issues are issue restricted from some countries
The benefits to be gotten is quite lesser than the disadvantages that are inherent in it. This is the major reason why some countries do not like allowing their citizens to involve in gambling.
They believe that casino and gambling does more harm to the citizens than the benefit. So you believe that gambling can render someone lazy if care is not taken especially when they become addicted to it. So they get their youth occupied with something else instead of gambling.
Although most times it could be because of their religious beliefs and they can't go against it ,that's why they are actually not even planning on supporting gambling in every possible ways and directions thats the thing there
Some countries do not accept gambling and clamp down on it because it deviates from their cultural and religious beliefs. In addition, they are concerned as to the negative effect of gambling on their citizens, which is fair enough
Some countries do not accept gambling and clamp down on it because it deviates from their cultural and religious beliefs. In addition, they are concerned as to the negative effect of gambling on their citizens, which is fair enough
You have a very important point because most of the countries that do not want to take gambling as a legal activities in their countries was because of their religious beliefs, it could also be their culture.
You have a very important point because most of the countries that do not want to take gambling as a legal activities in their countries was because of their religious beliefs, it could also be their culture.
In the Middle Eastern countries in particular, this practice is deemed abhorrent and the repercussions are extremely severe. They do not condone gambling whatsoever, and it is due to a combination of both religious and cultural beliefs