What is the strongest card in poker?


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I like the game of monopoly as it helps to increase the financial intelligence of a person. anyone who is conversant with Monopoly we know that it takes formula to become rich is on the board game. The strongest move is to have one big hotel no matter. A person who owns the hotel usually end up become the richest. I wish to know the strongest card a person can hold in the poker game. Thanks in advance.
I don't know if the term to use I strongest and weakest but i only use to hear of the highest and lowest card in poker game. Maybe the highest also mean strongest. But i know that the highest card in a poler game is the Ace and the lowest card in a poker game is the Deuse
The highest card in a poker game is the Ace card. This card represents the highest value, but it is also important to note that it can also be used as the lowest card when one has a straight or a straight flush. A2345 is the lowest possible straight, no doubt.