What is the theoretical analysis behind games paying triple on two-card 19s or special bonus hands?


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Games that pay triple on two-card 19s or special bonus hands can be analyzed using expected value calculations:

1. Expected value: The expected value of the game can be calculated by considering the probability of each hand being dealt and the payout for each hand.

2. Bonuses: The theoretical analysis of these games will depend on the specific bonuses and rules of the game. For example, a game that pays triple on two-card 19s will have a different expected value than a game that pays a bonus for certain hands.
Exactly, expected value calculations are crucial when analyzing games that offer special bonuses like paying triple on two-card 19s. By understanding the probabilities of obtaining certain hands and the corresponding payouts, players can gauge whether these bonuses are advantageous in the long run. This level of theoretical analysis provides insights into the optimal strategies to maximize winnings while considering the extra rewards offered by the game.