What is Yee Ha Hi?



Yee Ha Hi is an Asian-themed card game based on the popular game of Baccarat. The name “Yee Ha Hi” comes from the Chinese phrase, “Yi gong hai,” which roughly translates to “one card and two hands.” As in traditional baccarat, two hands are dealt, one for the player and one for the banker. However, in Yee Ha Hi, the total of the two hands must be exactly the same. If the total of the two hands is not the same, the hand is discarded, and the player and banker will each receive a new card. The object of the game is to have a hand with a higher total than the other. The highest total possible is 9. If the total is more than 9, 10 will be subtracted from the total, leaving the final score. For example, if the total is 12, the final score will be 2.