What is your biggest pet peeve when designing a casino website?



My biggest pet peeve when designing a casino website is when the design fails to capture the essence of the casino industry. A good design should capture the spirit of the casino, and make it appealing to potential players. It should be easy to navigate, with clear instructions and a few easy-to-understand graphics that capture the attention of users. The design should also be optimized for both desktop and mobile devices, as well as for various screen sizes. Additionally, the website should be secure and support a wide range of payment options and currency conversions.
The client or do-it-yourselfer must be my worst pet peeve. I am a huge believer in doing things oneself. I enjoy creating things, fixing things, installing new sinks, and enhancing my living space. But I am also aware of when I fall short. With a lot of clients, this is not the case. The internet has given the uninitiated the ability to become experts, almost always in less than an hour.
The client or do-it-yourselfer must be my worst pet peeve. I am a huge believer in doing things oneself. I enjoy creating things, fixing things, installing new sinks, and enhancing my living space. But I am also aware of when I fall short. With a lot of clients, this is not the case. The internet has given the uninitiated the ability to become experts, almost always in less than an hour.
I agree with this sentiment. Some casino owners who are not clued up on website designing leave everything up to the designer they have hired, and this could be detrimental because there could be creative differences between the two parties.