What is your routine before starting a poker game?



The stakes are high tonight, I can feel it in my bones. I check my stack, ensure I brought enough green to grind for hours. My lucky chip and trusty deck of cards are present, we've been through a lot together.

I light up a smoke and grab a cold one, even if I'm not much of a drinker. It helps me relax, get into the zone. I banter with the other lads at the table, build up my confidence through friendly trash talk.

Once the hand starts, my mind goes into lockdown. No more small talk, just keen observation, calculation and intuition. I'll ride the ups and downs, make calculated riscs with an iron will. The game may not always go your way, but a winner's mentality and solid fundamentals will see you through to the end. The night could end in winnings or loss, but I'd rather go down fighting. That's the life I chose, for better or worse.