what kind of player turns you off playing poker?



Aggressive sloppy players get under my skin at the table. These clowns just go all-in on every hand before the flop,chronically calling bets with gutshot draws and garbage. Don't matter what community cards come, they're convinced their offsuit seven-high is suddenly the nuts.

Slow play also grinds my gears. C'mon people, it ain't timed! Thoughtfully calculating every bet and call for 10 minutes after each new card. Life's too short for that pace.

Whiners take the cake though. Constantly complaining their bad beats were "such bad luck" or that the deck is "hot". If the deck was hot, you'd be winning Charlie! Sometimes lady luck turns against you. Deal with it.

Players who can't lose with grace, bringing the game to a halt while they throw tantrums. Got no patience for theatrics. I'm here to play serious poker, so sit down, shut up, call or fold, and let's get on with it!