What life lessons have poker thought you?



Poker’s taught me more ‘n a few hard lessons over the years. Patience is a virtue, but timing’s a skill. Luck favors the gamblers, so take advantage when she smiles. Bluff often and bluff big, there’s always a sucker ready to call.

Never count your chips prematurely. Fortune turns on a dime, today’s moneymaker is tomorrow’s broke fool. Only a sucker wears their heart on their sleeve. At the table, you keep ‘em guessing. Outside the table, let ‘em keep wondering.

Odds change, strat’gies shift, but at the end of the day, the only sure thing is time and chance. So play tough, play fast, but watch your back. There’s always someone waiting for you to crack. Keep your friends close, enemies closer, but never forget - once you’re out, another sucker’ll take your seat.

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