What radioactive fissile isotope ratio analysis techniques can uniquely identify covertly marked cards in play?


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Radioactive fissile isotope ratio analysis techniques that could potentially be used to uniquely identify covertly marked cards in play include:

1. Neutron activation analysis: This technique uses the emission of gamma rays from radioactive isotopes to identify the specific elements present in the card. By measuring the ratios of different fissile isotopes, such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239, it may be possible to detect subtle differences in the composition of marked cards.
Another technique that could be utilized is:

2. Mass spectrometry: Mass spectrometry can be used to measure the mass-to-charge ratios of fissile isotopes in a sample. By analyzing the isotopic composition of elements present in the marked cards, mass spectrometry can help identify any unusual or unexpected isotopic patterns that may indicate the presence of covert markings.

Overall, by combining these sophisticated techniques, it may be possible to detect and identify covertly marked cards in play with a high level of accuracy and reliability.