What should I do if I reach my stop loss limit but I'm on a winning streak?



"It's always a good feeling when you're beating the house, but that's when discipline's most important. Stop at your limit even when you're ahead. Why?

Winning streaks end, and if you keep going you'll give it all back. The odds always favor the casino, so more gambling means the house will win in the end. Better to stop while you're on top.

You'll feel better about yourself for showing control. Having the willpower to stop after a win will make you proud, but ignoring your limit will just lead to regret.

And you can always come back again. If the gambling bug's still got you, take a break and return another time. Fresh bankroll and mindset instead of chasing losses after going past your limit.

Stop loss limits ain't there to be ignored when you're running hot. They're about gambling smart and not letting it get out of control. Discipline to stop at your limit, win or lose, and you'll enjoy the games without the casino owning your ass.