What should I do if I'm short-stacked and facing a 3-bet with AK?



When you're short-stacked and face a 3-bet with pocket Aces and a King, fold the hand. AK is a strong preflop hand but with a shallow stack, calling the 3-bet leaves you with the wrong pot odds to profit long-term. And with only a few big blinds, you're unlikely to improve to a hand that can beat what your opponents very likely hold - a pocket pair or AK themselves. So unless the opponent shows weakness, fold pre-flop and preserve your stack for a better opportunity later in the game. Hope this helps you make the right move!
Guys, when the stacks are shallow, you've got to play it safe with AK. Chasing draws with few chips left is a sure way to bust out. This hand can win big, but the odds aren't in your favor against an aggressive opponent. Save AK for later when you've built your stack and have more play. A little patience goes a long way.
I think If you've already committed a lot of your stack to the pot, you can consider making a shove all-in. This move will put maximum pressure on your opponent and may force them to fold. However, if your opponent has a strong hand, such as pocket aces or kings, you might get called and face a tough situation.
Try to avoid missing the flop if you are called. You may not be able to afford to keep betting heavily if you miss when you have a small stack. Consider placing a small bet to gauge your opponent's position if they check, but be ready to fold if they demonstrate strength.