What to do when you've gambled all your money?


Well-known member
When someone gambling with all the money on him there will be nothing left to buy any other thing. If this person do not have any savings this can lead to depression and it is not good for the mental health.

One of the questions I want to ask you guys is that What to do when you've gambled all your money? I will be glad if anyone here can give me honest feedback on this question.
I will always advice you that whenever you lose your money on any sport betting you should better quit the games for the day don't take any step forther don't think of trying again ,think that you might be lucky just quit it for the day or else you will ended up losing all your money.
I can't actually gamble all my money , before investing ,I make sure I make record of what I am investing risking all your money in gambling is tough ,inorder not to end up in loss you have to be toughtful
There is nothing else other than go home, refelct on how to make another money and then start some other productive things aside gambling. Gambling is not always profitable and we need not to rely too much on it.
I can' never gamble all my money , infact I don't do random gambling I try to budget before investing ,I make sure I make record of what I am investing risking all your money in gambling is never a good idea. one need to avoid gambling away all their money.
There was a time I gambled with all the money I had on me and I lost the bet. It was very painful that year but all I did was to stay hungry till I had money to eat.

I wouldn't lie, I had to beg my friends for money because I had no choice.
Oh wow this so devastating. I'm always very concious of my money when it comes to gambling because I don't ever want to go overboard with it. infact sometimes I budget for it and I don't go beyond that. you can be budgeting for it.
After your budget allocated for gambling has been finished, it is best to just walk away from the game peacefully and acknowledge that it was not your lucky day. This is better than staying behind and spending more than the budget
When someone gambling with all the money on him there will be nothing left to buy any other thing. If this person do not have any savings this can lead to depression and it is not good for the mental health.

One of the questions I want to ask you guys is that What to do when you've gambled all your money? I will be glad if anyone here can give me honest feedback on this question.
My perspective on the subject is that once you lose a lot of money on any sport placing bets, you should better stop the games for the day. Don't move forward, don't consider attempting to win again, don't imagine that you could be successful, simply stop it the same day.

This is a great example of risk management. If you experience consecutive and frequent losses, it is best to cut ties with the venture and prepare for another time when the grass may be greener