What validate your gambling desires or princples?


Well-known member
I think what validate some gamblers principles and others is actually the process and others , when they are making enough profits , they would get interested and that's what I noticed , gambling always come with great risk , understanding the princples attached is so important

Do you avoid gambing for a while in case of more losses?
Avoiding gambling for a while after experiencing significant losses can be a responsible approach. Taking a break allows you to reevaluate your principles and assess the impact gambling has had on your finances and well-being. It gives you time to reflect on your motivations for gambling and reconsider your financial strategy moving forward.

Here are a few reasons why taking a break after losses can be beneficial:

1. Emotional recovery: Losses in gambling can be emotionally taxing. Taking a break allows you to heal from any negative emotions associated with the losses. It gives you the opportunity to regroup and regain a clearer mindset before deciding how to proceed.

2. Financial stability: If you've incurred significant losses, it is essential to assess your financial situation and ensure you are still stable. Pausing gambling allows you to evaluate your financial standing, make any necessary adjustments, and prevent further losses. It gives you an opportunity to set clear financial goals and develop a responsible budget going forward.

3. Reevaluating principles: Losses in gambling can sometimes lead to questioning your gambling principles. Taking a break provides a chance to reflect on your motivations, attitudes, and beliefs about gambling. You can assess the impact it has had on your life and consider whether your principles align with responsible gambling practices.

Remember, responsible gambling should prioritize entertainment and enjoyment rather than seeking consistent profits. If losses have had a significant negative impact on your life, a break allows you to reassess your gambling motivations and set healthy boundaries for yourself. It's important to seek support from friends, family, or professionals if needed during this reflective period.
Financial instability is actually a big problem in gambling , gambler must be able to make intelligent decisions , unless it would bring in more possibilities that would make that gambler more losses
Things that validate my gambling desire is when I made more money from gambling, when you make profit from gambling you will be happy to bet more, it will surely boost your moral and make you to want to bet more.