what was the first thing you bought with poker money?



The first thing I bought with real poker winnings? A plane ticket out of that two-bit town I grew up in. I was ready to see the world, live a little. New York, London, Hong Kong, the Vegas strip. Every hand dealt was another chance at a new adventure.

After a few years of wandering, I settled down in a little seaside hole. But I never stopped playing poker. It's in my blood now, the thrill of the deal, the tension of the bet. The money still comes and goes, but as long as I've got a deck of cards in my back pocket, I'm living the good life.

They say poker's a mug's game, but I know different. The cards have been good to me over the years. So my winnings bought me freedom, and freedom is the only prize worth playing the whole game for. The rest just comes and goes, like everything else in this life. But poker itself, that's forever.