what was the most unusual place you played poker?



I've played some memorable poker games in my time, but none quite as unusual as the one on Nells' wagon way out in the wilds of West Virginia during the Gallows Express. Seems like half the passengers was wanted men, and we needed a distraction from the long journey ahead. So we set up a high-stakes 5 card draw in the middle of that rattling wagon.

We played by lantern light, swaying left and right as the wagon rolled over them rough, winding mountain roads. Chips and cigars scattered, whiskey glass tipped over more than once. The road agent types got real antsy, gloating and cussing loud enough to wake a bear. We played for near 24 hours straight, barely stopping for rest breaks. By the time we reached the main road, over $10,000 and more than a few grizzled nerves changed hands!

Somewhere under those Virginia pines is a broken down wagon that knows the story of that crazy poker game. Not your typical saloon or cantina, I grant, but memorable all the same. Unusual places just make for better stories, if you survive to tell 'em!