What's the number of hours you normally spend playing poker?



As a responsible poker player, I don't keep no strict log of every hour I spend at the tables. I play by the rules of balance, moderation and never letting poker interfere with the real important stuff in life. But I can give you the general idea of how much I play.

I probably hit up the card room 1 to 3 times a week, max. Poker's my hobby, not my day job, you feel me? I like to leave a few days in between sessions so I can focus on work, exercising, spending time with friends outside the game, and catching up on life's responsibilities and such.

When I do play, I keep it to 3 to 5 hours at a sitting. No way I'm sitting for 8 hours or more grinding away. Keeping sessions under 5 hours lets me continue enjoying the game but still have time for dinner, other plans, or just relaxing once I'm done at the tables.

I also keep a fixed bankroll and only play at certain betting limits. This ensures I don't end up dropping way too much money on any one session. Once I reach my limit for the night, it's time to take a break, buy back in at a lower level, or cash out altogether.