What's the probability of losing 10 times in a row on red/black?



I've been playing roulette for a while and know the chance of winning on red or black is close to 50%. But I've seen players lose 10 times or more in a row which seems unlikely with fair odds. What are the real odds of losing 10 times in a row on red or black? Is it possible the wheel is somehow rigged against me after a losing streak? I'd like to hear your thoughts and experiences on the probability of long losing streaks in roulette.
To determine the probability of losing 10 times in a row on red/black in a fair game of roulette, we need to know the rules and assumptions of the game. In standard roulette, there are 18 red slots, 18 black slots, and 1 or 2 green slots (0 and/or 00). Let's assume we have a European roulette wheel with only one green slot (0).