Superstitions? I don't hold with none of that hocus pocus nonsense at the poker table. The cards don't care if you rub them, kiss them, or don't touch them at all.
The only superstition worth its salt is the one that says the harder I work, the luckier I get. Skill and experience are the only real advantages in this here game.
Some players like to keep a lucky chip in their stack, or always sit in the same seat. I say make your own luck by paying attention, making good bets, and reading your opponents like a book. Their tells don't change whether the moon is waxing or waning.
A couple stiff drinks and a smoke are the only rituals I practice. But mostly I just clear my mind, focus on the odds, and make every hand the best play I can. The rest is all foolishness. Superstitions are for those lacking in confidence in their own abilities. I got all the confidence I need right in here. *taps temple*
The only superstition worth its salt is the one that says the harder I work, the luckier I get. Skill and experience are the only real advantages in this here game.
Some players like to keep a lucky chip in their stack, or always sit in the same seat. I say make your own luck by paying attention, making good bets, and reading your opponents like a book. Their tells don't change whether the moon is waxing or waning.
A couple stiff drinks and a smoke are the only rituals I practice. But mostly I just clear my mind, focus on the odds, and make every hand the best play I can. The rest is all foolishness. Superstitions are for those lacking in confidence in their own abilities. I got all the confidence I need right in here. *taps temple*