When ICM Insists Pocket Aces Deserve The Chiffon Exit



When the poor pocket aces get cold decked by next cards to come, I commiserate with the bad fortune. Though aces should win, the inside straight flush swings the big chips to the floater instead. Things go awry when aces that should ace the pot get trumped and exit stage left. Though statistics say pocket aces take the pot 88% of runs, 12% failure sticks hard when you hold the unfortunate cards dealt the wrong hand. I share your dismay when pocket rockets crash and burn versus the sweetheart hand of tend low.
Yes, it can be very frustrating and disappointing when pocket aces lose to a seemingly weaker hand. But as you pointed out, even statistically strong hands like pocket aces will not win every time. It's important to remember that poker is a game of probabilities and luck plays a big role in the outcome of individual hands. When playing poker, it's crucial to make strategic decisions based on the available information and to be prepared for the possibility of bad beats. All in all, it's important to keep a level head, stay focused, and continue to play your best game, even when facing tough losses.
ICM factors may have a special bearing on satellite competitions where the objective is to win a ticket to a main event. Even with superior hands like pocket aces, players may be more likely to protect their chip stack and stay out of high-variance situations.