When should folding become less frequent for a new poker player?



When should a new poker player start folding less frequently at the table? While folding often in the beginning is wise to avoid losses, continuing to fold too regularly long-term limits your ability to learn through experience. Even just calling an extra few bets rather than folding can provide valuable data to analyze hands afterwards. While preserving funds is important, not being adventurous enough as a new player restricts opportunities to identify mistakes and grow your game. At what point does the trade-off between preserving capital and gaining experience start to suggest taking a few more marginal hands instead of folding so quickly?
As a new poker player, it's important to strike a balance between preserving capital and gaining experience. Folding too often can limit opportunities to learn and grow your game, but being too aggressive can lead to significant losses.

One way to approach this balance is to start by playing tighter and folding more often in the beginning stages of a session. As you gain more experience and confidence, you can gradually start to loosen up and take a few more marginal hands instead of folding so quickly.

However, it's important to note that this process should be gradual and calculated. You should not start taking unnecessary risks just for the sake of gaining experience. Instead, focus on playing solid, tight poker while absorbing information from the table and analyzing your hands between sessions. This will allow you to make more informed decisions when it comes to taking marginal hands.

Ultimately, the decision of when to start folding less frequently will depend on each individual player's experience and skill level. It's important to be patient and methodical in your approach, and to always be learning from each hand, win or lose.