Which country do you think has the most difficult players to beat?



Those Chinese players are by far the toughest to beat. They play like every hand's they last. Never seen a group so willing to go all-in on any two cards.
They also got zero tells. Poker faces like granite. Can't read 'em for nothin'. All you see is emotionless determination whether they're drawing dead or got max outs.

Russians run a close second. Think every pot's some kind of test of will or national pride to them. But at least you can sometimes suss out their motivation to call a bad bet.
The Americans, we like to think we're the best players in the world. And in our own minds maybe that's true. But against the Chinese and Russians in the big events, we just Windows PCs running on borrowed time. They're built different, made of grit, skill and amazin' ability to tune out all distractions. God bless 'em, they're the reason there's always gonna be harder games to amble into.