Which one is better - online Poker or in-house poker?



Different people will answer the question differently based on their perception of both the online and in-house poker . I would prefer to pick the in-house poker because I believe that I can still manage the risk that is involved and also to some extent I can still manage the cheats that could be integrated into it but for an online poker that is beyond my reach, the system could be manipulated to favour the casino.
One thing I can say is that both of them has pros and cons. Another thing is that best is a relative terms. What seems to be best to you might be worst for someone else. So the choice of the best will depend on the personal preference
Majority of the people would prefer the in-house Casino because of the scamming activities that is perpetrated in the online poker. The online poker cannot be trusted to some extent and that is what the people are sceptical about.