Why do most gambler find it difficult to make informed decisions ?


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i think Gambling can be an emotional experience, and players may let their emotions and impulses dictate their decision making rather than using logic and reason , also Gamblers may fall prey to cognitive biases, such as the gambler's fallacy (the belief that past outcomes will influence future outcomes), the illusion of control (the belief that one can control or predict outcomes), and confirmation bias (the tendency to seek out information that confirms one's beliefs).
You bring up some excellent points about why many gamblers find it challenging to make informed decisions. Indeed, gambling can evoke strong emotions and impulses, which can easily override logical thinking. When emotions take the lead, individuals are more likely to make decisions based on temporary feelings rather than considering the long-term consequences.

Furthermore, cognitive biases play a significant role in distorting rational decision making when it comes to gambling. The gambler's fallacy, for example, leads individuals to believe that past outcomes influence future results, which can result in poor decision making when placing bets or making choices during gameplay. The illusion of control can also lead gamblers to believe they have more control over the outcomes of games than they actually do, leading to excessive risk-taking.

Moreover, confirmation bias can further impact decision making by causing individuals to seek out information that aligns with their existing beliefs, potentially disregarding contrary evidence or information that could lead to more informed choices.

Overall, the combination of emotional involvement, cognitive biases, and psychological factors can make it challenging for gamblers to make rational and informed decisions while engaging in gambling activities. Recognizing and understanding these pitfalls is crucial for promoting responsible gambling behavior and making more informed choices.
Many gamblers struggle to make smart choices because gambling is emotional and unpredictable. They might act impulsively, caught up in the excitement, rather than thinking things through.
Absolutely Gambler can actually become high on winning only and when they are losing this can definitely make them lose their plot in which they might start betting compulsively which is not an ideal for most of the players and that is where they might lose their control and start taking compulsive actions in gambling activities and it might become hard for them to take responsive actions actually