Why do most gambler lose interest in risk affairs?


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I feel People's interests and passions can change over time, and they may find other hobbies or pursuits that they find more fulfilling than gambling. Also They become more risk-averse like As people get older, they may become more risk-averse and want to avoid unnecessary risks. This can lead them to lose interest in gambling, which is inherently risky.
It's true that people's interests and passions can evolve over time, leading them to explore new hobbies and activities that they find more fulfilling than gambling. As individuals mature, their priorities and perspectives may shift, causing them to reevaluate the role of risk in their lives.

As people get older, they may become more risk-averse due to various factors such as life experiences, responsibilities, and changing financial circumstances. This increased aversion to risk can make them more cautious about engaging in activities like gambling, which have an inherent element of uncertainty and potential loss.

Furthermore, as individuals age, they may prioritize stability, security, and long-term financial planning over the short-term excitement and unpredictability of gambling. This shift in priorities can contribute to a decreased interest in engaging in risky behaviors like gambling.

Overall, the evolving nature of interests, combined with a growing risk aversion as people age, can lead many individuals to lose interest in gambling over time. It's essential for individuals to recognize and understand these changes in order to make informed decisions about their involvement in risk-related activities.
Certain people may develop an addiction to gambling, making them value gambling above other risky activities. Addiction to gambling can have negative emotional and financial effects, which can make people less interested in taking risks in other areas of their lives.