Why the rabbit hunt is not a standard practice in formal poker games?



In poker, a "rabbit hunt" is an informal term used to describe a practice that occurs after a hand is concluded but before the next hand begins. It refers to the act of revealing the remaining community cards that would have come on subsequent betting rounds if the hand had continued.

The rabbit hunt is typically done for entertainment purposes, allowing players to satisfy their curiosity about the potential outcome of the hand had it continued. It can also add excitement or create conversation among the players.

However, it's important to note that the rabbit hunt is not a standard practice in formal poker games and is often discouraged in professional or serious poker settings. Revealing the additional community cards after the hand is completed can potentially impact the psychological dynamics of the game, especially if players gain information about the cards they would have received. It can also disrupt the flow of the game and slow down the overall pace.
There are a few reasons why the rabbit hunt is not a standard practice in formal poker games:

1. Strategic Impact: In poker, players make decisions based on the information they have and the likelihood of certain cards being available. The rabbit hunt can potentially give players additional information that would have affected their decisions in the hand. This can disrupt the fairness and integrity of the game, as players should only base their decisions on the information available at the time.

2. Psychological Dynamics: Poker is a game of skill and strategy, and part of the challenge is being able to read opponents and make calculated decisions based on incomplete information. Rabbit hunting can potentially provide an unfair advantage to players who gain knowledge about the cards that they would have received. This can create an imbalance in the psychological dynamics of the game and undermine the strategic elements.

3. Flow of the Game: Formal poker games generally follow a structured and efficient flow to ensure a smooth gameplay experience. Rabbit hunting can slow down the game, disrupting this flow and potentially causing delays. This is particularly important in live poker tournaments or high-stakes games, where time constraints are crucial.

4. Focus and Concentration: Poker requires players to remain focused on the current hand and make calculated decisions based on the available information. Rabbit hunting can divert the attention of players away from the ongoing hand, leading to a loss of focus and concentration. This can negatively impact the overall quality of play and fairness of the game.

It's worth noting that the rabbit hunt might be allowed and even encouraged in casual home games or non-serious environments where the main purpose is entertainment rather than professional poker play. However, in formal poker games, it is generally considered inappropriate and contrary to the established norms of fair play.
Poker is a skill and strategy game where one must be able to evaluate opponents and make calculated judgments based on limited information. Players who learn about the cards they would have received through rabbit hunting may obtain an unfair advantage.