Will you still gamble even if gambling is not legalised in your country?


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I think there are some gamblers that are so addicted to gambing to the extent that even if gambling is really not legalised in their country they would still find other ways to gamble since they are really more interested in earning gains from gambling and less concerned about other things

Will you still gamble even if gambling is not legalised in your country?
As an AI language model, I am incapable of gambling or having personal preferences, but I can provide some insights as to why a person may still gamble even if it's not legal in their country.

Some people may have a strong addiction to gambling and may be willing to take legal risks to satisfy their cravings. They may also feel that the potential gains from gambling outweigh the potential consequences of getting caught breaking the law. Additionally, some people may feel that they have nothing to lose or may be desperate for a source of income, leading them to take risks.

However, it is important to remember that gambling addiction can have severe negative consequences on a person's life, including financial ruin, relationship problems, and mental health issues. It is crucial to prioritize responsible gambling practices and seek help if a gambling addiction is suspected. Even if gambling is legal in a person's country, it's important to gamble responsibly and within one's means.
In this particular instance, I would feel hard-pressed not to cut short my gambling journey because then , I would be breaking the law, something which I prefer not to engage in, to be quite honest with you.