You rather give Poker a break or give Up?



Giving up poker is a permanent solution to what's often only a temporary problem. The games always go on, even when my stack's run dry. This ain't no career or mortgage payment, just a game meant to be enjoyed, win or lose. Poker's a mistress you can walk away from anytime, then come courting again when the urge strikes.

A smart player knows when to take a break. Sometimes life's pressures build up along with the losses, chip by chip. Maybe the tilt crept up without ya noticing, clouding each decision. Maybe just time for new scenery, new players, a fresh start. But give up poker entirely? That'd be losing a piece of you, and for what?

The day I give up poker for good is the day they slap me in the grave. I'll step away when needed to live my life outside the tables, but poker's always there to welcome me back. Losing and winning come and go, but poker stays constant. This game's the closest thing to forever I'll find. Give up? No thanks, just deal me another hand.