Young boy brutally murdered near Las Vegas Strip casino

Authorities have confirmed that a boy was shot on Saturday night in a fifth-floor room at the Platinum Hotel & Spa near the Las Vegas Strip. The young victim passed away shortly after that. The young person in question attended a birthday party at the hotel. It appears that an argument turned violent, and the victim was injured. The injured person was taken urgently to Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center. At the hospital, his death was pronounced. Initial news reports stated that no other victims of the shooting were hurt. At around 9:17 p.m., Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department personnel received word of the shooting.
Hey hey!. What izs all these nonsense?. Why can't be common sense in our action?. The fact that arming is legalized do not meant it should be abused and freely used to settle scores. Look at the case of that poor guy, his life was just terminated untimely over trivial matter that could be amicably solved. That is why it is advisable to be wary of hard drugs. It spoiled human life.
When I read about young boys being killed. I always want to suggest there should not be allowance of young kids to play casino. And as well there should be regulation on the use of firearm in the United States.