The problem with or without KYC, casinos only authorize one account per threshold means in a family one person could have a casino account add on coffee which seems to not be logical at all means it is important but with multiple IP prevention doesn't serve the casino site itself.
It depends from the gambler if he is someone having the culture of the apologize or someone selfish and doesn't take into consideration the apologize so all these factors are determinative and depends from one person to another person for example.
In half of cases it reflects to cancelled match and rarely finish until the end because the weather doesn't let people play until end except if it is little rain and wind then players could continue playing then the referee could decide in this kind of situation and decide if the match continue...
The problem could be website side means error connecting to database or website speed or out of services add to the low internet speed means the two probabilities are existing this means you could face problem in the both cases and not only from your side. The problem is internet is only good...
In some cases, a weak team could beat a big team this could happen from time to time and this could be a chance for people that lose their bets not predicted or some people predicting on the weak team, but this happens sometimes and not often.
It depends on so many factors if rains before the match is started, during the first 45 minutes, during the second 45 minutes, during additional time means when it starts being rainy and how he is rainy, a lot of rain or some rains because all these factors is determinative in such kind of...
The card count is illegal practice because you are no longer playing by matter of chance which is not the purpose of the casino itself or even the casino site then you could even being banned from participating on the casino itself in the future.
It depends so if it is an islamic country they may prevent any gambling solution or any gambling alternative while it would not be the case if it is not Islamic country means vary from country religion.
These are exceptions. Like you say someone from forex trading is making a life and luxury and lot of money. It could be 1 case between one thousand cases or even lesser. The big majority are loser and other case small winners or even if winning not a lot of money. Means this is not general rule...
It depends on the activity they were engaged so for example in sport betting generally people places two bets one live bet and one pre match bet is could be considered as the coffee you bought the morning with bottle of water for 2 bets of half of euro, but if someone is playing poker or...
It is possible that is paid to the casino as you could for example play blackjack against computer and not real players and half of casinos are doing this by betting against players money and no real funds made between players.
I think tie if player is playing in cryptocurrencies is not same as price of cryptocurrencies fluctuate if bet is 0.001 LTC then end of game 0.001 LTC is not same as beginning means it differs depending on the player playing on fiat currency or cryptocurrency instead of fiat currency.
Some matches are canceled during heavy rain and does not continue as the players could not play on these bad behavior weather conditions and this happens a lot of time but sometimes match continue until the end or the direction of rain which team it is helpful for them or winds. These all...
For example the match could be tricked or the referrer is paid to be with this team and not with other this could influence a lot the result of betting based of big bettors how they want they win for example.
The risk in every single bet means there are two probabilities:
1- Work as an exchanger for sports betting bookmark means people place bets in your account with your full acceptance and pay them a percentage of winning as many are doing
2- Refer people to the casino site and earn a percentage...
This probability could change means this is not fixed so this is why the casino could suggest Accept Odd Change of the prematch or live events to not have this warning of Odds changed and some events could be closed at this time of event. The odd could be 2.3 and then decrease to 2.1 or increase...
I could recommend Draw No Bet or double chance. For 1 for Manchester United is very risky or even Handicap or Asian Handicap is very risky but if you do 1 X or 1 Draw No Bet then if draw not lose your money and get 1 odd instead or 1X but the earning will be lower from 1 itself. These are some...
It could be 2/1 but the value is close to 2/1 like 1/0.49 or 1/0.48 in reality but casino could pay the difference while in classic odds like 1.29 it could be 1.283453 but to avoid much calculation it shows 1.29 just two numbers after points.
In reality, the casino owner is purchasing API that could determine the odds even if the real value of money is not so, for example, they get the same odds as bet365 while the deposits on bets aren't the same on sports betting sites means could pay some difference from its pocket money and not...
Let's say you have an odd 162 then for 0.5 $ odd you win 81 $.
Then there are canceled events and then the Draw no-bet event and then the payout calculator is 31 $.
This means there is even a possibility to sell paper before certain events are played if you think they are risky and earn a...
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