have bad internet connection affected your gambling activities before?


Well-known member
I think most times bad internet connection might actually affect the way some gamblers earn online , like for Instance their activities would be affected and others , so what steps do you actually take in consideration , to avoid the infulence of bad internet connection on your gambling activities and journey I would really love to hear your opinion
The slow Internet speeds lead to many issues for gamers specifically. Some of these include: Latency that affects the speed of gameplay.

A delay between pressing buttons and seeing your actions happen on-screen.
it does happen to me but there's nothing much you can do about it. Generally, the network connection in my location now is very poor. We keep reporting but they keep giving us very poor internet connection. it can be frustrating sometimes.
it does happen to me but there's nothing much you can do about it. Generally, the network connection in my location now is very poor. We keep reporting but they keep giving us very poor internet connection. it can be frustrating sometimes.
I think that's why it's good to actually stay in a place with better network ,so you would actually not start facing problem of internet connection , and find it difficult and hard to access the gambling site
I think most times bad internet connection might actually affect the way some gamblers earn online , like for Instance their activities would be affected and others , so what steps do you actually take in consideration , to avoid the infulence of bad internet connection on your gambling activities and journey I would really love to hear your opinion
My internet connection has been faulty sometimes and this has generally affected my gambling activities because mid way through a game, I can sometimes be found wanting due to such a problem
It's usually frustrating when you've sight a better odd to play especially if it's a live game but internet won't allow you to play it. Some times i will first think it's my phone that's misbehaving but i will notice it's bad service
It's usually frustrating when you've sight a better odd to play especially if it's a live game but internet won't allow you to play it. Some times i will first think it's my phone that's misbehaving but i will notice it's bad service
It is a really unfortunate predicament to befall punters. This is why it is important to have a stable and reliable data or Wi-Fi connection before engaging in gambling activities, so as to avoid these kind of situations
Bad internet connection can be a very big issue while gambling and it's very important to have a strong internet connection everytime, when you have a strong internet connection it will be easy to carry out gambling activities easily.
You need to connect early on the morning because in this time most of people are sleeping and if you wake up early you could do several tasks a day. From 8 o'clock internet speed in down due to many offices using internet on this time or even after 5 o'clock or time of work (like 3 o'clock in the summer) the internet speed is slow in this time or at night.
Bad Internet connection have affect my gambling activities so many times in my region to the extent that I won't be able to carry out any Gambling activities and I have to wait till the network connection is back to normal.
Yes it had. I remember one time I wanted to place a sure bet on the event of football on a particular team that was playing with a very small and weak team but it had a very handsome odds. The internet connection therefore stopped abruptly before I placed the bet. By the time the internet resumed the game had already started and was no available anywhere on live betting.
The problem could be website side means error connecting to database or website speed or out of services add to the low internet speed means the two probabilities are existing this means you could face problem in the both cases and not only from your side. The problem is internet is only good early on the morning while not the case rest of journey.