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  1. A

    Do you question your luck if the ganbling profit aren't coming ?

    It's can be frustrating at times when you're having a bad luck in betting, luck really pay an important role in betting asides from whether you're good at Betting or not, and let be very careful when betting that's Just it
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    Do you lose your interest in gambling if the profit isn't coming ?

    Sincerely at some point i do feel like quiting from betting when profit is not coming and it can be so frustrating, but it's always good not to give up and continue trying, no body knows what tomorrows hold
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    Do you actually gamble even when you are not making any profit ?

    If I did not make profit for a long time i will surely take some break from betting and come back later, the mistake most gambler do make is to continue betting after losing so badly which is not a good idea
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    Will you still gamble even if you don't make profit for a month ?

    If I did not make profit for a month i will surely take some break from betting and come back later, the mistake most gambler do make is to continue betting after losing so badly which is not a good idea
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    will you still gamble even if you get a high paying job ?

    If i get a high paying job i might not quit betting totally but I'm going to make some adjustments and reduce the way i bet, i will bet when i feel like and focus more on my paying job instead of focusing on gambling
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    Will you stop gambling when you get rich?

    To stop gambling is not that easy as people think, many people do think and say that they will quit betting after getting rich but later find it difficult to stop because of greediness or addiction, be careful
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    Is gambling a get rich quick scheme ?

    If you're looking for a get rich quick scheme please never go into gambling, for you to get rich in gambling takes time and not for greedy people, when you're a greedy gambler it will be very difficult for you to win
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    Is sport betting a get rich quick scheme?

    If you're looking for a get rich quick scheme please never go into gambling, for you to get rich in gambling takes time and not for greedy people, when you're a greedy gambler it will be very difficult for you to win
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    Can sport betting make you Rich?

    Sport betting can not make you rich if you're too greedy, although some people or gambler as already make it big time in gambling but it's not that easy, so if you want to be rich in gambling you need to exercise
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    Is it possible to make $80 daily from sport betting?

    It's going to be very hard to be making 80$ daily, no matter how good you're you Will surely loss at some point, even the professional in betting do loss Betting at times, so for me it's impossible to be making that sum daily