Are most gamblers in debt?


Well-known member
There was a time I was at the game house and people over there one reason a story about a guy who came in with a lot of money and end up losing all. It was said that the boys later end up in debt.

One of the questions I want to ask you guys over here is that Are most gamblers in debt? I would like to hear your opinion about this topic in the comment section thanks.
Yes most gamblers are into debt because they gamble with huge amount of money at the end of the day they lost, this is one of the advantages of Gambling, that is why we must be responsible and carful when we are gambing
Of course they are ,most people that have got addicted to gambling can not always do without gambling even if they don't have money to play it they will go ahead and borrow from their friends or family ,which will actually lead them into owing dedt.
Yes, most gambler are in debt, especially the addicted ones, those set of gambler can go a far extent to borrow money from friends or from any firm just to use the money for betting and at the end of the day end up loosing the whole money
It is possible for those that are very addicted to be in debt. It is always true that some of them if not the majority always leave a reckless life and do not have much saving for themselves. These set may be in debt.
Some of them usually end up in a big debt. The reason is that they make use of every money on them to play the games and they usually win. there was a time a guy has to sell his smartphone to sort for the death incur from gambling.
You never know; it's normal for people with severe addictions to have debt. It is true for the most part that a few of them, if not the large percentage, always abandon a wild life and have little money saved for future. Perhaps these people owe money.