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People see gambling as a simple way of making income they're not just addicted to it most people rely on it as an extra means of survival, my question is can gambling change the life of a gambler into a better life or the other way around I have witness and seen a man who 4 million in gambling, this man am talking about was a poor man who doesn't have a enough money on him all he did was to play gambling with the last Money he has on him, to my biggest suprise the little amount of money he used to play gambling, he won 4 million with the last Money he has on him.

So my question is can gambling change the life of a gambler to a better life or the other way around, pls my fellow members I want you to share some light on this question, since gambling is a game of luck can it really make a good changes to the life of a gambler
It is either positive or negative. It is either won or lost. Whatever the outcome is, the gambler's reaction matters a lot and that is why we have different behaviours to the same problem.
It depends on the level of frustration.
This is why gamblers must try and stay calm in spite of losses. It is individually important to make sure that gambling does not influence a change in your whole personality to the world outside of the casino, whether online or offline
They just have to stay calm. A gambler who is not calm tends to lose all of his money because he or she will be so desperate to gamble and at the same time, he will be chasing his losses.
You are absolutely correct. They will try so hard to alter the outcome in their favour which will most likely lead to more losses. It is best not to be agitated when you experience a hard time during gambling
The best thing to do when you are having hard times in gambling is to quit. It costs you nothing to won't and it wi even aid your mental health. A lot of us need to know this instead if forcing ourselves to gamble at a times.
This is an excellent piece of advice. It is best to walk away from the venture outright than to persevere blindly with no light at the end of the tunnel. This will help you to maintain your finances and your mental well being