Can players join a Baccarat game in progress?



In traditional brick-and-mortar casinos, it is generally not possible for players to join a Baccarat game that is already in progress. Baccarat is a table game with specific rules and procedures, and once a game has begun, the players who have already placed their bets are the only ones allowed to participate until the conclusion of that round.

However, in some online casinos or live dealer platforms, there may be variations of Baccarat that allow players to join a game in progress. These platforms often have multiple virtual seats available, and players can enter a game as long as there is an open seat.
i believe players can join a Baccarat game in progress. As with most casino games, it is common for players to come and go throughout the game. However, it's important to note that the addition of a new player may not necessarily impact the gameplay or strategies of the existing players
In most casinos, players can join a Baccarat game in progress, but only between rounds or when a new shoe is started. Players typically need to wait for the current round to finish and the dealer to shuffle the cards before joining the game. Additionally, some casinos may have specific rules or restrictions on joining a game in progress, so it's always best to check with the dealer or pit boss before joining.