Can you recommend any books or online support groups for parents of gambling addicts?



Caring for an addict ain't easy. Need all the help and support you can get. Here some recommendations to get you through:


• Codependent's User Manual by Melody Beattie. Gives you strategies and an actual 12-step program for finding your own recovery from being in a relationship with an addict. Learn boundaries while still expressing you care.

• The Power of Acting Ugly by Shelly Olsson. Uses stories and meditations to help you understand co-dependence then detach and start living for yourself again. The grieving process for that "perfect family" you always wanted.

• Gambling Addiction Help by Jeffrey L. Derevensky. This one discusses the issue itself, symptoms to watch for, options for getting treatment and staying on the right path. Written by a pro so you know the advice coming from evidence, not opinion.

• Children of Alcoholics by Janet Geringer Woititz. Though about alcoholic parents, the struggles and insights apply. How to make your own health the priority when an addicted loved one's in the picture. break the cycle of dysfunction for good.

• Where to Turn by Dave Heath. Personal stories of healing from those impacted by all types of addiction, abuse and the troubles that come with them. Help for relationships including romantic partners, kids, parents, siblings - anybody suffering because of another's issues.

Online groups:

• Narcotics Anonymous - Huge network of free support groups and resources for recovery from all addictions. Meetings, sponsors, events and more for connection and help staying on the straight and narrow.

• Gamblers Anonymous - Fellowship of people sharing stories, strength and hope for overcoming a gambling addiction and living life on your own terms again.

• Online Therapy Groups - Group forums, private groups and 1-on-1 online therapy for issues like co-dependence, relationships with addicts and codependency. Searchable database of options specific to your needs.

• Families Anonymous - Support groups for families of addicts, including those dealing with gambling addicts and relationships marked by co-addiction or abuse. Meetings online and in-person to navigate the chaos together with a program for developing your own health, set boundaries and build new foundations.

• Rescue and Restore Ministry - Faith-based online community for healing from all manners of hurt, including addiction, abuse and trauma. Message boards, chatrooms, file sharing and advice on walkin' with your God through whatever valley you find yourself in.

• Counseling Online - Huge directory of resources for improving and understanding your mental health. Support groups, counselors, therapists, worksheets, assessments - options for navigating life's difficulties and relationships. Filter by topic to find community and professional support catered to your precise needs.

As always, letting me know if there's any other way I can recommend or clarify resources to support you through caring for an addict. You ain't alone. Keep putting one foot in front of the other, accept help when offered and work on your own well-being each and every day. Brighter days ahead!
These are quite an enormous collection of books which could really transform the lives of gamblers who have been addicted to the venture and cannot even contemplate stopping, to be quite honest with you.
The only group that I now is the gambling anounymous group, this is a group that reaches about gambling and create awareness among kids and letting them know everything about gambling and how they can control their urge for gambling.
The only group that I now is the gambling anounymous group, this is a group that reaches about gambling and create awareness among kids and letting them know everything about gambling and how they can control their urge for gambling.
Such group should be made known in casino forum such as Most victims who want to remain anonymous do not know where they could get treatment. And they don't want to turn up with the therapists for the reason known unto them alone.
I have read The Power of Acting Ugly and it is indeed a powerful book to be ready by anyone that wants to have a better raise for his children. The book guide the wards on how to ensure that they don't make mistake in involving in betting and gambling.
I have read The Power of Acting Ugly and it is indeed a powerful book to be ready by anyone that wants to have a better raise for his children. The book guide the wards on how to ensure that they don't make mistake in involving in betting and gambling.
Good of you on your positive review of the above book. It is resources like this, the public needs at the appropriate time. They should make the book available for all and sundry so that the public would be able to tap the resources therein.
GamTalk is an online support community for individuals affected by problem gambling and their loved ones. It provides a space for parents to connect with others facing similar challenges. Gambling Therapy offers support and resources for both individuals with gambling addiction and their families.