Card Counting



Card counting is a strategic technique used by some players to gain an advantage in blackjack. It involves keeping track of the ratio of high to low-value cards left in the deck. When the ratio favors high-value cards, it's advantageous for the player. While card counting is legal, many casinos frown upon it and may ask a counter to leave.
While card counting is not illegal, many casinos will ask players to leave if they suspect that they are counting cards. This is because card counting can be very effective, and the casino does not want to lose money.
While card counting is not illegal, many casinos will ask players to leave if they suspect that they are counting cards. This is because card counting can be very effective, and the casino does not want to lose money.
I think Casinos can legally refuse service to anyone they choose, and many of them view card counting as a threat to their profits. While it's not illegal, casinos can still ask card counters to leave and may take other measures to prevent them from playing, such as shuffling the deck more frequently or using multiple decks.
you are right casinos always have measures in place that allows them to restrict players in case of counting cards and that is why such people who are indeed having a good and sharp eyes are always on check list of casinos indeed naturally .
you are right casinos always have measures in place that allows them to restrict players in case of counting cards and that is why such people who are indeed having a good and sharp eyes are always on check list of casinos indeed naturally .
While not illegal, casinos consider it to be a form of cheating and have measures in place to prevent it. These measures can include using multiple decks of cards, shuffling more frequently, using automated shufflers, and banning players suspected of card counting.