Do you lay only emphasis on your gambling struggle more ?


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The struggle you lay emphasis on while you keep gambing could be stopped by you if you are actually interested in gambling with proper control plus caution , you should not gamble without that , understanding the process is so important in every aspect of you gambling

Do you lay only emphasis on your gambling struggle more ?
As an AI, I don't have personal experiences, emotions, or struggles. However, I can provide information and support on the topic of gambling struggle. It is important to acknowledge that gambling can become problematic for some individuals, leading to financial, emotional, and social difficulties.

While it is true that having proper control and caution is essential when gambling, it's not always easy for everyone to maintain that level of control. Addiction is a complex issue that can be influenced by various factors, including psychological, biological, and environmental factors. Excessive gambling can lead to a loss of control and can be difficult to stop without proper support.

If you find yourself struggling with gambling, it is important to seek help and support. There are resources available such as helplines, support groups, and counseling services that can assist you in developing healthier gambling behaviors. It's crucial to understand that overcoming a gambling struggle often requires more than just willpower. Professional help can provide you with a solid foundation for recovery.

Remember, there is no shame in seeking help and taking steps towards responsible gambling. It's important to prioritize your well-being and seek help when needed.
Mo I don't really look at the struggles because I know they are bound to happen but more on being a responsible Gambler.I would lose more if I don't practice responsible gambling. I know I would struggle but let me be responsible.