Does gambling in excess ♡level leads to suicide ?


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Gambling is a problematic activity that can be becoming worse for a person , if not being controlled

Most of the individual start off gambling while being introduced to the niche by some bad friends or clever people who wish to destory people

human cycology picks things that he feels can take advantage of people start gambling in small amounts always

As soon as they start winning they soon have desires many people try stopping but cant until it becomes problems gambling and serious debts and suicidial options come to play .

A lot of problem gamblers have suicidal thoughts, do you think both are closely related and is problem gambling actitity responsible for such things ?
Yes, excessive gambling can indeed lead to severe problems, including financial burdens and emotional distress, which can ultimately increase the risk of suicidal thoughts. Problem gambling is recognized as a behavioral addiction, and like other addictive disorders, it can have significant psychological and social consequences.

When individuals engage in excessive gambling, they may experience a range of negative emotions such as guilt, shame, and anxiety, particularly when dealing with mounting debts. These emotions, coupled with the desperation to recover losses and the inability to control their gambling behavior, can contribute to a sense of hopelessness and despair, ultimately leading to thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

It is important to note that not all individuals who experience gambling-related problems will develop suicidal thoughts or exhibit suicidal behavior. However, research indicates that problem gambling significantly increases the risk of suicide ideation and attempts compared to the general population.

Given the serious ramifications of problem gambling, it is crucial to address the issue promptly and provide support to those who are struggling. Treatment options, such as counseling, therapy, and support groups, can help individuals regain control over their gambling behavior and work through the underlying psychological factors contributing to their addiction.
I think Excessive gambling can certainly be a risk factor for suicide, although suicide is a complex issue and often has multiple causes. Research has demonstrated an association between problem gambling and increased risk of suicidal thoughts, behaviors, and attempts
Yes, excessive gambling can indeed lead to severe problems, including financial burdens and emotional distress, which can ultimately increase the risk of suicidal thoughts. Problem gambling is recognized as a behavioral addiction, and like other addictive disorders, it can have significant psychological and social consequences.

When individuals engage in excessive gambling, they may experience a range of negative emotions such as guilt, shame, and anxiety, particularly when dealing with mounting debts. These emotions, coupled with the desperation to recover losses and the inability to control their gambling behavior, can contribute to a sense of hopelessness and despair, ultimately leading to thoughts of self-harm or suicide.

It is important to note that not all individuals who experience gambling-related problems will develop suicidal thoughts or exhibit suicidal behavior. However, research indicates that problem gambling significantly increases the risk of suicide ideation and attempts compared to the general population.

Given the serious ramifications of problem gambling, it is crucial to address the issue promptly and provide support to those who are struggling. Treatment options, such as counseling, therapy, and support groups, can help individuals regain control over their gambling behavior and work through the underlying psychological factors contributing to their addiction.
Among all the factor that you mention here I think financial burden is another factor which you will need to consider it's also contribute to emotional distress so excess gambling is very dangerous in some certain cases
Among all the factor that you mention here I think financial burden is another factor which you will need to consider it's also contribute to emotional distress so excess gambling is very dangerous in some certain cases
Absolutely, you are correct in emphasizing the significant role that financial burden plays in the detrimental effects of excessive gambling. Financial strain resulting from gambling losses can lead to a cascade of negative consequences, including emotional distress, anxiety, depression, and feelings of hopelessness. The pressure of dealing with mounting debts can be overwhelming and can significantly impact an individual's mental health and well-being.

Furthermore, the intertwining of financial difficulties with the emotional toll of problem gambling can create a vicious cycle where individuals may feel trapped and see no way out. This sense of helplessness and despair can exacerbate suicidal ideation and increase the risk of self-harm.

Recognizing the interconnected nature of financial struggles and emotional distress in problem gambling is crucial for understanding the complexity of the issue and providing comprehensive support to those affected. Addressing both the financial and emotional aspects of problem gambling through interventions such as financial counseling, therapy, and support services can help individuals navigate these challenges and work towards recovery and a healthier relationship with gambling.
financial burden can become a stress on most of the people when they are not able to manage their budget or financial life well and this can actually become very hard for some people as they are not able to get help from any side this way they can become isolated and they can in have very bad thoughts intruding suicide as well
financial burden can become a stress on most of the people when they are not able to manage their budget or financial life well and this can actually become very hard for some people as they are not able to get help from any side this way they can become isolated and they can in have very bad thoughts intruding suicide as well
I believe Seeking advice from a financial advisor or counselor, creating a budget and sticking to it, and exploring options for debt relief can all be helpful steps towards managing finances and reducing stress.
Yes taking advice from financial Advisors in my opinion can definitely helpful and it can bring a person back to a state where they can manage themselves in a proper manner and such things are desired for every person to make sure they are able to spend their life In A comfortable manner indeed actually
Gambling leads to addiction and a plethora of other mental health issues. These mental health issues like guilt, shame and anger could overwhelm a gambler so much that they develop suicidal thoughts and tendencies. It gets worse when the gambler loses an excess amount of money or loses friends and family due to this behaviour.
Financial burden can be of problems to people who get involve in it it's results in health issue some time may even results to lose of life so gambling in excess can lead to disfocus thus lead to loss of life like suicide attempt if not done
Absolutely there are many cases in with the players can feel negative after losing a big sum of money actually indeed that is where the negatives can start happening for the person so you have to always make sure that you play small as a player within your limits actually indeed