Hand Analysis: RFI Struggles in EP


I feel like I can improve my early position win rate for sure. Right now I'm only bringing in around 7.5bb per 100 hands after raising first in early position with about 15% of my hands, which is decent but could definitely be better. With just over 700 hands from that position, small mistakes and some unlucky flops have cut into my profits for sure.
I think a big part of it is how I play the hands after the flop. When I enter the pot I probably call bets too often with marginal hands and drawing hands that don't hit, and I get outplayed by my opponents when they have stronger ranges.
Moving forward I want to review my biggest losses from early position closely to see exactly where I'm making postflop mistakes. Adjusting how I play after the flop should definitely boost my early position winnings into the 10 to 12bb per 100 range for the type tight strategy I'm using. With some focused work on that part of my game I'm sure I can improve my results.