How can a bettor potentially win via the use of steam moves?



A bettor can potentially win by following steam moves in sports betting. Steam moves occur when sharps and/or syndicates bet heavily on one side of a game, causing the point spread or odds to move in that team's favor. This movement can create value for bettors who get in early on the action before the lines adjust. The idea is to follow these steam moves and try to place bets before the odds move even further in the favored team's direction. This takes a certain level of skill and timing, as well as an understanding of the market and the factors that can influence line movement. Overall, following steam moves can be a profitable strategy for experienced and highly skilled bettors who are able to identify and take advantage of value opportunities before the rest of the market catches up. However, it is important for bettors to do their own research and due diligence, and to never bet more than they can afford to lose.
I think When a significant number of wagers flood a game in a short amount of time, it can indicate that sharps or professional bettors are using their knowledge and experience to take advantage of a betting line that is likely to offer value before it adjusts. For instance, if a point spread moves from -4 to -6,