How did you get to know poker?



Poker's been in my blood since I was knee-high to a grasshopper. My pappy taught me the basics at his knee, learnin' me how to spot tells and calculate odds before I could walk. By the time I was 10, I was sharper than most men twice my age.

I grew up wandering from saloon to saloon, watchin' the greats play and learnin' all their tricks and strategies. Many a night I ate more by winning at the table than the contents of my belly. Poker's a hard yet simple game, and I grasped it quick as breath because I lived and breathed it.

The life of a professional gamblin' man ain't an easy one, but I wouldn't trade it for nothin'. Decades of study, experience, failures and victories at the table forged me into the top-shelf poker player I am today. Poker and me, we're two of a kind. She's in my blood and bone, this magic game of cards.