How do futures bets work in sports betting?



Futures bets in sports betting are wagers placed on an outcome that will be determined in the future, typically at the end of a season or a tournament. These bets are based on long-term predictions rather than the immediate outcome of a single game or event.

Here's how futures bets work:

Selection of the Event: You choose a specific event for which you want to place a futures bet. It could be the outcome of a championship, a tournament, or an individual player's performance over the course of a season.

Selection of the Outcome: You select a specific outcome you believe will occur in the chosen event. For example, in basketball, you might bet on a team to win the NBA championship or on a player to be the league's Most Valuable Player (MVP).

Placing the Wager: Once you've chosen your event and outcome, you place your wager with a sportsbook or bookmaker. You specify the amount you want to bet and confirm your selection.

Odds and Payouts: The sportsbook determines the odds for each futures bet based on the perceived likelihood of the outcome. If the outcome you selected is considered less likely, the odds will be higher, resulting in a potentially larger payout. Conversely, if the outcome is deemed more probable, the odds will be lower, leading to a smaller potential payout.

How do futures bets work in sports betting?