How do optimal betting deviations change for blackjack with rules like "player chooses dealer's upcard action"?


Well-known member
Since the player can now dictate the dealer's strategy, they can potentially influence the outcome of the game to their advantage. This may result in more aggressive betting patterns when the dealer's hand is weak or less aggressive betting patterns when the dealer's hand is strong.
That's a great point! With the ability to influence the dealer's strategy based on the upcard, players can adjust their betting patterns accordingly. If the dealer's upcard is weak (e.g., a 2-6), the player may want to bet more aggressively since the dealer is more likely to bust. On the other hand, if the dealer's upcard is strong (e.g., a 7-Ace), the player may want to bet more conservatively to minimize their losses.

These nuanced betting deviations can help players maximize their edge over the casino and potentially increase their overall winnings in the long run. By strategically adjusting their bets based on the dealer's upcard, players can take advantage of the information asymmetry and exploit the game's dynamics to their benefit.