How is the winner of a poker hand decided?



How is the winner of a poker hand decided?

According to the predetermined hand rankings of the particular poker variation being played, the strength of the players' hands determines who wins a hand. The strongest hand and eventual pot winner are determined by the rankings of the hands. The general method for choosing the winner is as follows:

Showdown: If there are still several participants after the last betting round, a showdown takes place. In order to determine the winner, players reveal their hands. However, if all players except one fold at any time during the hand, the last player standing wins the pot automatically without having to show their hand.

Hand Evaluation: Based on the predetermined hand rankings, the hands are assessed.
The highest-ranking hand is the Royal Flush, which consists of a 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace of the same suit. Next, is the Straight Flush, which consists of five consecutive cards of the same suit.

The next best hand is the Four of a Kind, which consists of four cards with the same rank and one other card. A Full House is the next best hand, and it consists of three cards of one rank and two cards of another rank.

After that, we have the Flush, which consists of any five cards of the same suit not in sequence. Next is the Straight, which consists of five cards in sequence, but not necessarily of the same suit.

Then, we have Three of a Kind, which consists of three cards of the same rank and two other cards. Two Pair consists of two cards of one rank, two cards of another rank, and one final card. Finally, the lowest ranking hand is the One Pair, which consists of two cards of the same rank and three other cards.

In the event that two or more players have the same ranked hand, the pot is split equally among them.
The winner of a poker hand is determined based on the ranking of the players' hands according to the standard poker hand hierarchy. Here are the steps involved in determining the winner:

Hole Cards: Each player is initially dealt a set of private cards known as "hole cards" that only they can see.

Betting Rounds: Multiple betting rounds take place throughout the hand, where players have the opportunity to either place bets, raise the stakes, or fold their hands.

Community Cards: In certain poker variants, known as "community card" games (such as Texas Hold'em), a set of communal cards is dealt face-up on the table.
I think the winner of a hand is determined by the player with the best hand combination. The ranking of hands in poker typically follows the standard hierarchy of high cards, pairs, two pairs, three of a kind, straight, flush, full house, four of a kind, straight flush, and royal flush