How is the winning hand determined in Baccarat?



In Baccarat, the winning hand is determined by comparing the point values of the two hands dealt, which are typically referred to as the "Player" hand and the "Banker" hand. The goal of the game is to bet on the hand that you believe will have a total point value closest to 9.

Here's how the point values are calculated:

Face cards (King, Queen, Jack) and 10s have a point value of 0.
Numbered cards (2 to 9) retain their face value (e.g., a 5 is worth 5 points).
Aces have a value of 1.
If the total point value of a hand exceeds 9, the score is determined by the rightmost digit. For example, if a hand has a total of 15, the score would be 5 (15 - 10).

After the initial two cards are dealt, a third card may be drawn according to specific rules that depend on the point values of the initial hands. The rules for drawing a third card are predetermined and do not require player decisions.
The following are the rules that determine whether a third card is drawn:

- If either the Player or the Banker has a total of 8 or 9 (referred to as a "natural"), no additional cards are drawn, and the hand closest to 9 wins.

- If the Player's total is 6 or 7, they stand, meaning no additional cards are drawn.

- If the Player's total is 0 to 5, they must draw a third card.

- If the Banker's total is 7, they stand.

- If the Banker's total is 0 to 2, they must draw a third card.

- If the Banker's total is 3, they draw a third card unless the Player's third card is an 8.

- If the Banker's total is 4, they draw a third card if the Player's third card is 2 to 7.

- If the Banker's total is 5, they draw a third card if the Player's third card is 4 to 7.

- If the Banker's total is 6, they draw a third card if the Player's third card is 6 or 7.

Once all cards have been dealt, the point values are compared, and the hand closest to 9 wins. If both hands have the same point value, the result is a tie, unless a specific side bet was placed on a tie outcome, which is paid out separately.

It's important to note that players can place bets on either the Player or the Banker before the cards are dealt. The payouts vary depending on the bet, with the Banker bet typically having a commission fee charged for winning bets. It's also worth mentioning that in some variations of Baccarat, certain additional bets or side bets may be available, which can modify the rules and potential payouts of the game.