How long do casino bans last?


Well-known member
There was a time I was having a discussion with one of my friends over here. I asked him why he is not playing games you told me that he was on a gun for at least a week but it has done to two-week right now.

One of the questions I want to ask you guys is that How long do casino bans last? I will be looking forward to your response in the comment section below thanks in advance set..
It actually depend on what you did to deserve that ban and the type of ban. A ban might be temporary or it might be permanent. You all know what permanent is so there's should be no talking much on that. Depending on your offense, temporary ban might be for a week to months
I think this will be more about the site and the admin of the site. if you have cheated on the site then it might just get you a permanent ban that's the truth but others small mistakes might just bring small bans. So you can get the right time from the site admin.
There was a time I was having a discussion with one of my friends over here. I asked him why he is not playing games you told me that he was on a gun for at least a week but it has done to two-week right now.

One of the questions I want to ask you guys is that How long do casino bans last? I will be looking forward to your response in the comment section below thanks in advance set..
I believe that the ban duration is based on what rule you flouted and the corresponding punishment for doing so. It would be best to read the terms and conditions for that particular online casino to see how long the suspension will last